China coal

In 2023, China Coal Group Will Start Construction

Gather consensus to seek development, and work together to embark on a new journey. On January 30, at 8 a.m. on the ninth day of the first lunar month, all the Chinese coal miners gathered together, and the 2023 commencement ceremony was solemnly held with the joyous sound of gongs and drums and the deafening sound of firecrackers. Quqing, Chairman of China Coal Group, Han Yong, General Manager of China Coal Group, Li Zhenbo, General Manager of Information Technology and Shandong China Transport Logistics Equipments Group, Shao Hua, Executive Deputy General Manager of China Coal Group and General Manager of China Transportation Group, Yu Cui, Executive Deputy General Manager of China Coal Group and General Manager of E-commerce, Guan Chenghui, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of China Coal Group, and other leaders attended the commencement ceremony with all the staff of China Coal Group.

In the new year, we have a good start. At the celebration, the sales pacesetter of the China Coal Group E-commerce Company paid a New Year's greetings to all employees. Qu Qing, the Chairman of the China Coal Group, and all the leading groups welcomed the return of the Chinese coal workers to work after the New Year, and sent the most sincere wishes and expectations to all the cadres and employees. The leaders and colleagues of the various companies and departments of the Group also paid a farewell to each other for the new year. Everyone wished each other and cheered each other on. The words were full of determination to achieve a new high in 2023!

Subsequently, the Party Committee, the Labor Union, the Youth League Committee and the Women's Federation of the Group carefully organized and carried out a variety of cultural and sports activities, such as tug-of-war, table tennis, basketball and other programs, fierce competitions, loud cheers and bursts of laughter ignited the enthusiasm of everyone to work in the "rabbit", and also made all employees quickly switch to work mode, return to full swing, and fully face the new journey of 2023!

Finally, at the conference center of China Coal Group, the 2023 Yangfan Sailing China Coal Group Spring Festival Gala was solemnly held. Han Yong, the general manager of China Coal Group, gave a speech at the opening of the class. The new year opened new hopes, and new hopes carried new dreams. Don't forget the original intention and work hard. In 2023, the Chinese coal miners will unite, shoulder responsibility and responsibility, and go hand in hand. With the continuous efforts of all the Chinese coal miners, they will surely "rabbit" fly forward and create new achievements! Li Zhenbo, General Manager of Information Technology of China Coal Group and General Manager of Shandong China Transport Logistics Equipments Group, Shao Hua, Executive Vice General Manager of China Coal Group and General Manager of China National Manufacturing Corporation, and Yu Cui, Executive Vice General Manager of China Coal Group and General Manager of China National E-commerce Corporation, delivered speeches respectively.

Choir, recitation, dance, solo and other wonderful programs were staged in turn. The versatile Chinese coal miners showed themselves heartily on the stage, publicized their personality, released their vitality, and brought the group a wonderful performance. At the event site, the group prepared a "red envelope for opening the door" for all employees, pushing the Spring Festival Gala to a climax, with a good start and a red square, implying "good luck"! The rich and colorful program forms record the peaceful and beautiful moments, and show the energetic spirit of the Chinese coal miners on their new journey to a new era.

After the Spring Festival Gala, the leading group of China Coal Group issued a big red packet to each of the sales pacesetters of China Coal Group to encourage them to make further achievements in 2023, and then awarded prizes to the first, second and third prize winners of cultural and sports activities and artistic performances.

Singing and laughing together, green willows and spring breeze start the journey. In 2023, we are ready to go. In the new year, the people of China Coal Group will work together and work together to focus on new goals and start a new journey. With a new attitude and an unstoppable momentum, we will work hand in hand in the new year and create a new chapter of China Coal Group!

The spring wind blows the battle drum, and the new year blows the horn. In 2023, all employees of China Coal Group will stand at a new starting point, meet new challenges, and create new brilliance!

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